Changing your diet is never easy. But more and more people are discovering the benefits that come from choosing to incorporate more plants into their meals. Some choose to go full-vegetarian or vegan, while others work to add more meatless options and whole foods into their daily routine. A plant-based diet doesn’t mean you have to eat only plants, but that you mostly eat things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
The first question that pops into many people’s minds is whether or not they’ll be getting enough protein with a plant-based diet? It’s a fair concern, as plant-based diets diminish many traditional sources of protein— meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. But the reality is that there are plenty of plant-based proteins that can take their places, such as quinoa, lentils, nuts, beans, soy, hemp, rice, peas, and even certain fruits, like pumpkins.
Of course, getting those items into your diet on a regular basis is easier said than done. That’s why an organic, plant-based protein supplement is often a good idea to include in your diet. Terra Origin provides a thoughtful and scientifically supported line of nutritional supplements and powders designed to help in this process. It offers several plant-based supplements that help ensure that you’re getting the protein you need in an easy and convenient way.
Organic Plant Protein powder, for example, is made from rice, peas, hemp, and pumpkin protein. With each serving, you’ll get 18 grams of protein to boost your energy and overall well-being. Unlike some protein powders on the market, this doesn’t contain empty fillers or confusing preservatives—you know exactly what you’re getting. (It also doesn’t hurt that the company has a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, with free returns.

Plant-based protein and the foods in which you can find it offer many other benefits as well, including some specifically for women. Protein powders made with brown rice and pumpkin seed keep your glucose levels in check, eliminating any energy crashes. Hemp provides antioxidants to fight free radicals and reduce cellular damage. Chia and flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids that help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease.
Here are some of the top reasons you may want to consider adding more plant-based protein to your diet.
1. Helps Control Your Blood Sugar
A diet high in fiber slows the process of breaking down and absorbing food, resulting in more consistent blood sugar levels. This helps you avoid the food cravings that come when your blood sugar is low. Another benefit for women is that hormones tend to be more stable, which is more likely to lead to a healthy ovulation process.
2. Reduces Constipation and Other Gut Issues
Fiber also helps to keep your GI tract moving smoothly, and many plant-based foods are also high in prebiotics. You’ve probably heard of probiotics, which are live, beneficial bacteria that help our digestive systems, but prebiotics are just as important. They are a type of dietary fiber that probiotics love. Imagine prebiotics as the fertilizer that helps the probiotics thrive in your gut, reducing inflammation and constipation.
3. Supports Your Immune System
The vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that can only be found in plants help keep your cells healthy so they can fight off infection if/when they need to. This doesn’t just mean protection against germs—it’s likely to reduce your risk for cancer as well.
4. Provides Faster Muscle Recovery After a Workout
There’s a lot of evidence that consuming protein after a work out can lead to faster recovery and more positive overall results. Terra Origin offers clean, organic options that support your muscles and provide the amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that help your body perform at its best.
5. Reduces Inflammation in Your Body
The same phytonutrients and antioxidants in plants that boost your immune system also help reduce inflammation by neutralizing toxins that our body absorbs from the environment and processed food. Our bodies can handle inflammation for short amounts of time due to stress or pain, but long-term inflammation can lead to serious diseases such as cancer and arthritis.
6. Helps Reverse Chronic Conditions
Swapping animal protein for plant protein doesn’t just prevent chronic conditions from happening in the first place. It can also help reverse dangerous conditions that you might already have, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
7. Lowers Your Risk of Developing Endometriosis or Fibroids
If you’ve dealt with endometriosis or fibroids, you know how painful that can be. While there is no foolproof diet that guarantees you won’t deal with them, a plant-based diet has been shown to reduce your risk.
8. Produces Better Skin, Hair, and Nails

The antioxidants and healthy fats found in plants have all kinds of perks for our skin, hair, and nails. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that lead to skin aging, and healthy fats give your skin that effortless glow. Biotin, or vitamin B, has been shown to strengthen fingernails and can be found in a variety of plants, such as nuts, seeds, greens, whole grains, apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Biotin, plant fats, and plant protein have also been attributed to healthier hair.
9. Helps You Maintain a Healthy Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is the second-most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of cancer (Not smoking is number one.) A plant-based diet removes many of the processed and junk foods that lead to weight gain while providing filling fiber and fewer calorie-dense saturated fats.
10. It’s Better for the Environment
Even reducing your meat consumption by one meal can make a difference—studies show that a whopping 20 servings of vegetables contribute fewer greenhouse emissions than just one serving of beef.
No one diet is the right fit for everyone. Often it takes some experimenting to find what works best for you. But if you can move in the direction of adding more plants into your diet, you’re likely to enjoy the results.
Written by Abbie Mood for Matcha in partnership with Terra Origin.