Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

What is the Difference Between Hemp Oil, Hemp Extract, and CBD?

Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

What is the Difference Between Hemp Oil, Hemp Extract, and CBD?

by Terra Origin on Feb 19, 2020
Hemp-derived supplements offer many health benefits, but unbeknownst to many have almost nothing in common with marajuana.
Hemp Extract, Hemp Oil and CBD - What's the Difference and Which is Better for You?

Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

Hemp Extract, Hemp Oil and CBD - What's the Difference and Which is Better for You?

by Justin Wood on Feb 12, 2020
There’s been almost a perfect storm created by the legalization of marijuana in many states alongside the fast rise of hemp-based health products. When you see CBD advertised at the gas station, you know it’s reached the mainstream. But how many people really understand what these products are, let alone how they can improve your health? You may be surprised to learn about the proven health benefits of many hemp-derived supplements—and that they have almost nothing in common with the drug most commonly associated with the cannabis plant.
Your Wedding Day Health and Beauty Checklist

Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

Your Wedding Day Health and Beauty Checklist

by Eric Fuller on Mar 14, 2019
As we enter March and spring time is around the corner, your special day is getting closer. You have found the perfect dress, selected the venue, written the invitations, hired your florist, musicians, caterer, vendors and developed an intimate friendship with your coordinator. Now the countdown has begun, and the most important aspect of this day takes center stage, you! No matter how perfect everything may be, if the morning comes and you feel sick, bloated or anything less than glowing, radiant and sexy then even the most flawless plans will fall short. That’s why we decided to put together your health and beauty checklist to walk down the aisle as your exquisite self. This means hair, skin, nails, weight and inner health to avoid any negative digestive effects from nerves and jitters. Get ready to beam with confidence from the inside out! It can be very easy to find faults with ourselves when we feel nervous about being the center of attention or impressing our true love. Don’t fall into this trap! Remember everyone looking at you is there because they care for you and want to share this joyous moment, and the person waiting to marry you will love you regardless of how full your eyelashes or pouty your lips appear. Don’t let wedding day madness send you to potentially dangerous or unnatural procedures. To be healthy and walk in your own authenticity and unique attractiveness, you only need to do what is good for your body and mind. Since we know the body follows the mind, let’s start with your mental health checklist. Being Mentally Prepared Stress, anxiety, nerves and exhaustion are incredible enemies leading up to your wedding day, and they all have physical tolls that leave you less than your best. There are simple things you can begin to incorporate into your life now to gain control over your thoughts and emotions so that you are the one controlling your perfect moment. 1. Meditate and Visualize Don’t consider this a cliché. Athletes are trained to meditate and visualize before a big game or competition, and results have proven successful. Start incorporating five to ten minutes into your day, before you get out of bed or as you lie down to sleep and enter into a basic breathing count. Close your eyes, get in a comfortable position and take in a deep breath through your nose, hold it and let it out slowly through your mouth. Do this ten time and count the breaths if your mind wanders. Now enter into this rhythm as you begin to visualize your wedding day in complete, flawless details. Do not let your thoughts slip into a to-do list! This is about seeing what will be. Take time to focus on how you feel in this moment, how you look, where your mind is as you get ready and as you walk down the aisle. Feel the way the words, “I do,” roll out of your mouth. Be very articulate in the details as you visualize exactly what you want. 2. Get Your Beauty Sleep This may be more important now than ever! You don’t want to be sleep deprived as you make the biggest commitment of your life. If sleep doesn’t come easily, start making small adjustments now. Get strict with your bed time and what time you get up, follow a schedule and create a sleep routine. Turn off all electronics one to three hours before you go to sleep and create a bed time habit such as reading, meditating, listening to music or drinking a relaxing herbal tea while staring at the stars or fireplace. Consider a natural sleep aid with herbs like valerian root, chamomile and passion flower like Terra Origin Healthy Sleep. If you are already short on sleep, start adding in 15-20 minute naps in your day and squeezing in an extra hour or more each night to payback the sleep debt. This will do wonders for your health and radiance. Hair, Skin and Nails Every bride knows the importance of shiny, healthy hair, glowing, pure skin and strong, elegant nails, and she spends a lot of time and money getting them all ready for their big debut. Some things are basic like hydration, a healthy diet with well-rounded vitamins, nutrients and high in omega-3s. There are some tips and tricks to enhance your physical appearance. 1. Collagen is King Your hair, skin and nails are all built by collagen and need it to be full, shiny and strong. Start a collagen supplement now like Terra Origin Healthy Skin Boost in acai berry or citrus. Using a concentrated dose of VERISOL ® Bioactive Collagen Peptides, you can start attacking lines and wrinkles, cellulite and stress aging now, so that you can look your best. 2. Eat the Rainbow Try to get 30 different vegetables and half as many fruits into your diet every month. By diversifying your nutrients, you ensure that you get what you need and your body will reflect the added nutrition! If eating so many different things is difficult in your schedule, start adding a smoothie to your day. Do not simply juice your fruits and veggies as you want the fiber as a filler to avoid excess calories. For a greater variety, add in Superfood Green supplements and Superfood Red or Tropical supplements. Getting in Shape Let us remind you that the question has been asked and the answer has been given, so those extra pounds obviously didn’t matter. You are adored and desired just as you are. Wanting to look your best is natural and losing extra weight is great for your body and lifespan, but following extreme diets, long-term fasting or dangerous weight loss techniques is not the way to glow from the inside out. Don’t add to your stress now by doing something that is unhealthy or potentially dangerous. Take a look at three ways you can be your healthiest self. 1. Get Moving If you don’t have a regular workout schedule and the idea of one is overwhelming, start looking at how you can incorporate more movement in your day. Can you walk or bike to work, the grocery store or to your next appointment? Look for little things like taking the stairs, parking at the back of the lot, walking on your lunch break, dancing when you wake up or any other movement that makes you smile and gets your heart rate up. It can be in small 10-minute intervals throughout your day. It will make a difference! 2. Learn to Say ‘No’ It may be time to say no to the second helping, the office snack bar, cocktail hour and dessert. These things are not gone forever, but in the months leading up to your wedding, a few sacrifices in the calorie department will add up and help you trim down. Have some healthy snacks around, and if the weight is stubborn and cravings intense, opt for Terra Origin Healthy Fat Burner to suppress your appetite and block the accumulation of new fat cells. Even if you feel tired, put on five pounds and chipped a nail, we promise you no one will notice. Your wedding day is about celebrating two people coming together to start a journey of love and companionship. There is so much pressure put on brides today, but we must remember we are the architects of this moment, and the only pressure that can be put on our shoulders is that which we accept. So we would like to encourage you to see the phenomenal person that everyone else sees and realize you were the one chosen from all the people in the world to walk alongside your partner, and that is what really matters!  
How to be a Morning Person

Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

How to be a Morning Person

by Eric Fuller on Oct 04, 2018
For those who naturally open their eyes before the sun peaks over the horizon, we applaud you, and for those who don’t, we’re here to help you. Some of us force ourselves to wake when our bodies are fighting the alarm clock. Others gave up and created lives that allow them to sleep till mid-morning. Whatever your lifestyle or natural sleep cycle, here are some tried and true reasons to want to wake up in the morning and how to make that time an asset for the rest of your day. Have you ever heard the adage, ‘the early bird gets the worm?’ This tidbit of wisdom is conveying much more than the availability of breakfast. Many studies have been performed on the advantages of waking early and starting the day. They show early risers to be go-getters, with take charge personalities. They tend to be more perceptive and have better problem-solving skills. With those extra morning hours, they can get more done in their day both personally and professionally. Believe it or not, morning people also seem to be less grumpy and have a glass half full mentality. With the added quiet time, they are even less stressed as they are not running late, activating cortisol while running around in a panic looking for the keys or fighting deep lines of traffic. Those are some really good reasons to turn back the alarm clock, and maybe you’ve tried, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. The biggest curve ball for night owls is learning to go to sleep! Sleep cycles are based on an internal clock called our circadian rhythm. Plants, animals and even the planet run on this biological process of essentially 24-hour blocks of time. We can actually align our rhythm to that of the sun and moon by training ourselves to begin preparing for sleep once the sun goes down and begin waking as the sun comes up. Tests show that once you are in this planetary flow, your sleep will be more beneficial. There are a few tips to get yourself into a state of relaxation and ready for bed at earlier hours. First, cut all caffeine after mid-morning. Even if you don’t feel its effects, your adrenal glands might and can continue to release hormones that block deep sleep. Avoid electronics and blue light for two to three hours before bed. If evenings are your TV time, try bumping it up to an afterwork treat and using those later hours for reading, cleaning the house, meditation, prepping for the morning or even your daily exercise. No, it won’t keep you awake. In fact, it could help you fall asleep more easily. There are certain gentle herbs and teas that can facilitate sleep adjustments like Terra Origin Healthy Sleep supplement or a warm cup of valerian and hops tea. This next little trick is probably the most important thing we can share with you. To convince yourself to get up early, you need to have a motivation or reason that you really believe in. If you say it is to meditate, but you’ve never built up that practice, it will be too easy to rationalize going back to bed and trying again tomorrow. You need to really decide for yourself the reasons you want to get up and play those in your head the moment your alarm goes off. Now that morning has arrived, we encourage you to not hit the snooze button. You may even need to set an alarm across the room or in the bathroom. Do something that gets you out of bed. Here’s another key point. Have a plan! If you wake up groggy, wishing to go back to bed and have nothing to fill that morning time, you’ll be asleep on your couch in minutes. Exercise is one of the best ways to wake yourself up, even if it’s only for a brief walk around the block. This gets your body activated. Follow a quick sweat session with a cold shower, and there is no way you’re crawling back into that bed. If that sounds like torture, then take it more slowly. Start by getting dressed! Even if you aren’t leaving the house, the act of putting on clothes, brushing your hair and teeth and completing whatever morning routine you have will get your brain into motion. Next, we strongly recommend giving your metabolism a reason to start burning! Breakfast may not be for a few hours, but mix up something nutritious like Terra Origin Vanilla Bone Broth Protein or Healthy Reds SuperFoods to give your morning a boost. Lastly, be sure to take it slow. It’s unlikely that anyone can stick with a drastic two or three hour shift. Try 15-30 minute incremental changes. A good rule of thumb is double the time at night and half the time in the morning. So go to bed thirty-minutes earlier and wake up 15-minutes earlier. It may feel like a serious challenge at first, but as you slowly work to recalibrate your inner clock, your body will reward you with deeper sleep, more energy and improved mental and emotional well-being.
What You Can do Now to Protect Your Mind

Sleep, Stress and Anxiety

What You Can do Now to Protect Your Mind

by Eric Fuller on Sep 20, 2018
There is a random question on many personality exams that asks if you prefer an ailing body with an able mind or an ailing mind with an able body. We don’t see why it needs to be a choice? For most of our lives, we’re taught the value of taking care of our bodies. But are we taking the right steps now to protect our minds for the future? With a plethora of debilitating mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, should we be doing more? Neurodegenerative diseases occur when brain cells begin to die and there are less and less nerve cells and connections. This means to keep your brain healthy, you must protect your body at the cellular level. Most doctors and scientists agree on several preventative methods to helps us ensure a long future for our memories and mental capabilities. 8 Longevity and Health Tips for Your Mind Challenge Yourself Your mind is a muscle and just like the rest of your body, if you want it to grow and stay fit, you need to use it. This can be as simple as the Sunday crossword. Chess. Sudoku. Card games. Riddles. It even helps to read and write, like a basic journal and the morning paper. Try to constantly learn new things, even if it’s cooking a new type of cuisine or basic car maintenance. Take on mentally stimulating projects, fun or practical or both, like wheel throwing, sketching or playing an instrument. Try to think of ways that incorporate memory and motor skills. Many studies show learning a new language is an incredible challenge that goes a long way to protect you from dementia. Another method of prevention is to expand your mind by using your opposite hand. So if you’re right handed and always brush your teeth and do your hair with your right hand, start doing it with your left. This helps to connect new neuropathways in your mind giving you more usable cells and connections.    Get Moving Exercise isn’t just for a great physique, although that’s an excellent benefit. Getting your blood pumping helps protect your cardiac health which can directly affect the health of your mind. Like all muscles, our brains need good circulation and a constant influx of fresh oxygen. Our blood is what carries that oxygen. When we exercise, our body is cued to carry more oxygen-packed blood to our muscle. As it gets to the brain, it fills the area that controls thoughts and messages the body to start creating more synapses and nerve cells. All that exercise also releases endorphins which can help with our next tip! Your Emotional Health Matters It’s really hard to be mentally alert, focused, motivated and self-caring, if our emotional health is struggling. Over 60 million people live with some form of anxiety, depression or sleep disorder in the United States alone! That’s a huge part of the population that struggle daily with cognitive acuity. When you compound anxiety, stress and emotional disorders with lack of sleep, as they are often hand in hand, you get an incredibly stressful environment for the body and the mind. For serious conditions, it’s wise to see your doctor and see what prescriptions are available. If your physician thinks a natural course of action would do the job, then consider Terra Origin Inner Balance with powerful adaptogens to moderate stress responses and emotional drains. Combine that with Terra Origin Healthy Sleep supplement and you will be on your way to better mental performance! Nutrition Never Stops Nutrients are not just for skinny jeans! We need to eat right for the cellular development in our brains. Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in mental health, so if you do not eat fish at least twice a week, a supplement would be a great addition to your diet. It’s also important to regularly consume antioxidants. Your brain oxidizes over time just like an apple turns brown when exposed. By eating foods rich in flavonoids, you can protect yourself from inflammation and free radicals. Bring on the dark chocolate and red wine, in moderation of course! It’s also essential to include all colors and textures in your fruits and vegetables. Aim for four servings a day to power up your mental energy. Use Nature While yes, a walk through nature goes a long way in removing stress, we are referring to the many wonderful plants and herbs in nature. Ancient sciences have been guarding mental longevity and performance long before we understood cellular decline. Many of us are familiar with Ginkgo Biloba for mental energy, but the Chinese knew its benefits long before it became popular in mental stimulants. It helps supply greater blood flow to the brain and acts as an antioxidant. Scientific studies have shown it may slow down cognitive diseases and help preserve memory. Dairy foods, pasta, rice, eggs and peanuts play a major role in the next brain super-nutrient, choline. This supports your nervous system and may enhances memory by protecting your mind from age-related decline. Ayurvedic practitioners have been using Bacopa Monnieri for thousands of years to help preserve a sharp mind and faster recall. There are so many more, but you don’t have to go foraging. Choose a supplement made to protect your mind, like Terra Origin Healthy Brain. Physical Check-ups There are three major health components that can give your brain a long future, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. If your blood pressure is high, you need to look at your diet and your stress levels because this elevation has been directly linked to neuro decline. If your LDL is elevated, your body and your mind could be at risk. Check with your doctor to see if your diet, exercise, weight and habits need tweaking to bring levels back down. Dementia has also been linked to diabetes, so do all you can to keep your blood sugar within a normal range. Avoid Toxins It should come as no surprise that the major toxins which hurt the body also hurt the mind. If an ailing mind is of concern to you, then it is very important to stop using tobacco products of any kind. It’s also wise to drink in moderation as heavy alcohol use is often linked to dementia. The only healthy regime would be moderate red wine, one 1 to 2 glasses every couple of days with friends. When kept in safe quantities, there does seem to be a correlation between social drinking and mental health. Channel Your Inner Socialite Speaking of being social, there is also quite a bit of evidence to suggest hanging out with friends and new people is a great way to keep fresh synapses and mental stimulation. People with an active social life have been shown to live longer, healthier and more mentally alert lives. So get out there and start mingling!