Healthy Living & Mindfulness

The Best Hangover Cure? Meet Healthy Hydration Plus

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

The Best Hangover Cure? Meet Healthy Hydration Plus

by Spencer Gellman on Mar 14, 2025
This electrolyte-packed hydration formula is more than just a thirst quencher—it’s a complete recovery solution designed to replenish essential minerals, restore energy levels, and detoxify your system after alcohol consumption.
Why Proper Hydration is Crucial…Even in Winter.

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Why Proper Hydration is Crucial…Even in Winter.

by Spencer Gellman on Jan 10, 2023
It may seem counterintuitive, but staying on top of hydration is just as important in winter as it is in warmer months.
Supplement Your Diet to Lose Weight Naturally and Healthily

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Supplement Your Diet to Lose Weight Naturally and Healthily

by Daniel Miecuna on Jun 25, 2021
How is it summer already? If 2020 felt like the longest year in history, then 2021 might go by in a blink. The good news is that for most of the US, things are returning to normal and that means leaving the house more and putting on clothes with buttons and zippers as opposed to elastic and spandex. Now, if you’re one of the many people who put on some weight during the pandemic, that’s totally understandable! The important thing isn’t the weight, it’s what comes next. If you want to become more active, focus on your health and take off some of that excess weight, we’ve got a few tips to help you feel like yourself again! Get Moving A lot of people took up walking during lockdown since it was one of the few things you could do. If you were someone who did Zoom workouts, or were lucky enough to have some home gym equipment, that’s awesome, but you might want to amp things up a bit! That might look like returning to your gym, running instead of walking, or trying some new workouts to mix things up, keep your body guessing and find something to make you excited about working out again. If it’s been a while or you haven’t been active at all, joining a gym could be a great way to get motivated and hold yourself accountable. By joining workout classes, not only are you able to surround yourself with like-minded people, you also have someone instructing you on exactly what to do. This takes all the guesswork out of working out. Clean Up Your Meals We don’t mean like the clean plate club, although polishing off a plate of healthy food is never frowned upon. But, if you turned to sugary items or simple carbohydrates for comfort and forgot what a green vegetable looks like, it might be time to rethink your refrigerator. Most nutritionists recommend filling half of your plate with vegetables and using the remainder for a lean protein and a starchy carbohydrate like rice, potatoes or root vegetables. Not only do vegetables fill you up, they help improve almost all of your systems. Want an easy way to get your greens? Terra Origin Greens Superfoods delivers over 35 natural, energy boosting ingredients including vegetables, probiotics, digestive enzymes, herbs & antioxidants in one scoop. Never has tasty food been this green. Mix it up in a smoothie and add a healthy fat like avocado, nuts or olive oil, which also helps to satiate you for longer. Go Au Natural Some nutritionists and doctors might also recommend enhancing your diet by adding natural supplements to help with weight and energy loss, and to replace elements lost during weight loss activity. Terra Origin’s new, Natural Weight Loss Bundle containing Healthy Fat Burner, Digestive Enzyme Capsules and Inner Balance, works together to help you maximize your weight loss naturally and healthily. For optimal results, we recommend taking Digestive Enzymes in the morning with breakfast, as food protects the enzymes in your stomach and gives them something to act on. These enzymes also aid digestion by supplementing your body’s natural digestive enzymes, allowing your meals to then be broken down more easily. Because so much of weight loss is related to elevated stress and cortisol levels, Inner Balance helps alleviate stress and tension so you can achieve a calmer mental state. This can be taken after any subsequent meal. Lastly, end your day with Healthy Fat Burner to rapidly burn off excess fat and stop the accumulation of new fat. Our specific combination of amino acids and natural plant extracts, along with a moderate diet and exercise, work together to increase your energy by initiating the breakdown of lipids and release of fatty acids stored in the cells. Flush It Out With all this movement and healthier eating, it’s also important to stay hydrated, especially in the summer months. And while there’s been much recent discussion about how American’s are over-hydrating, for most people that’s simply not the case. Switching out sugary drinks and even coffee for water not only helps reduce calories, it helps flush out the toxins and keep your gut working the way it was meant to. Drinking water also helps keep your skin clear and maintain much-needed moisture as we age. If you’re someone who doesn’t love plain water, try squeezing in some lime, lemon, or even an orange for some flavor. To further speed up healing from the inside out, you can also try our Collagen + Protein Bone Broth! Not only does it offer joint and cartilage support and improved digestion, Terra Origin Collagen + Protein Bone Broth - available in yummy flavors like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry banana, coffee and unflavored with turmeric - also helps protect and repair joint cartilage, build muscle, burn fat and strengthen the lining of the digestive tract.*   It’s important to remember that just like it took a while to gain weight, you can’t lose it all at once. It’s a slow process and one best conducted in stages. Don’t try to go whole hog and do everything at once. Take small steps everyday to move, eat better, take healthy supplements and drink water and you’ll start to feel and look better before you know it.    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Invigorating Your Health with the Power of Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Invigorating Your Health with the Power of Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements

by Daniel Miecuna on Jan 14, 2021
Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a 5000-year-old healing system with origins in India. The Ayurveda healing system emphasizes balancing the mind, body and spirit — which are the three basic types of energy known as doshas.  
Managing Post Election Stress in 2020

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Managing Post Election Stress in 2020

by Daniel Miecuna on Nov 06, 2020
We’re living in a very tumultuous time right now. No matter what side of the aisle you fall on when it comes to politics, chances are you’re dealing with a lot of stress and uncertainty as the election unfolds and the smoke clears on what might happen over the next four years. 
It’s Time to Purge the Worst People in Your Social Media Feeds

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

It’s Time to Purge the Worst People in Your Social Media Feeds

by Spencer Gellman on Jul 26, 2019
The social media apps on your phone are likely some of the most frequently used, but keeping up with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat feeds can be exhausting. So, to save your time and sanity, it’s worth culling your “following” list every now and again. If there are people you never interact with, or who you would be happy to never hear from again, don’t waste energy scrolling past their updates—cut them out of the picture. Once you’ve done so, you’ll find yourself having a happier, more streamlined experience online. Instagram Instagram has rolled out a new way for you to see who you’ve interacted with most often: Tap your profile button (bottom right), then Following , and Least Interacted With. You’ll see the people you don’t often chat with or whose photos you rarely like and comment on. Simply tap Following to sever your Instagram connection with someone on the list. You can also see the order you started following people. Next to Sort by , tap Default , and you’ll see the people you’ve been following since the beginning or the people you just connected with. Again, just tap on any of the Following buttons to remove someone from your feed. To disconnect with someone straight from your Instagram feed, tap the three dots in the top right corner of any post, then choose Unfollow. These unfollow buttons pop up in other places on Instagram, too—If you head to someone’s profile page, for example, you can tap Following , then Unfollow. A variety of third-party apps also let you quickly unfollow other Instagram users, but you use them at your own risk (you’ll be giving them access to your Instagram account and data). Look for established software options built for social media marketers, like Combin—it’s free to use for a single Instagram account, will show you who isn’t following you back, and will flag accounts that appear to be inactive. Twitter  Popular Science Head to the list of people you’re following on Twitter by tapping your avatar (top left), then Following. The accounts you’ve followed most recently will be listed at the top. Tap any of the “following” buttons you see on the right to unfollow someone, and you won’t see them on your Twitter feed again. Unlike Instagram, Twitter doesn’t have a simple way of showing who you’ve interacted with the least. Instead, it’s up to you to sift through user profiles and see whether you still find their posts interesting (if they’re still posting at all). You can also tap Following on any account profile, and then Yes to stop following it. There are a huge number of third-party tools that aim to help you manage the people you’re following on Twitter, but the platform has recently cracked down on the way other apps can use its service. That means these sorts of features are no longer available or are severely limited, at least right now. One extra step you can take in the Twitter app is to open the Following page from your profile, then look for the Follows you badges. This will give you some idea of the people who are mutually connected to you, which might make it a little easier to decide whom to unfollow. Facebook From the Facebook news feed, tap any username you see, then tap the friend badge (a head and shoulders icon with a check mark next to it). On the next screen, you can choose Friends to either unfriend someone or to “take a break” from them (you won’t see any of their posts, but you’ll remain connected). To see all your Facebook friends, tap the menu button (three horizontal lines), then Friends and All Friends. Use the Sort button to change the order of this list, putting your newest or oldest friends at the top, or stick with the default. In our case, the default sorting seemed to put the people we interact with most at the top, but yours may vary (Facebook doesn’t actually say anything about this default order). To unfriend someone, tap the three dots next to their name. If you’re wondering who you spend a lot of time interacting with on Facebook, you can find out by going to someone’s profile page, tapping More , and See Friendship. This will show you photos and posts you’re tagged in together, events you’ve both signed up for, and more. It might just help you decide who is worth keeping as a friend. Facebook doesn't reveal who interacts with you least, or which accounts are least active—it wants you to stay friends with as many people as possible, so you'll have to check manually. Some third-party apps claim to be able to do this for you, but we haven't found any that look reliable or safe enough to recommend. Snapchat  Popular Science A quick way to see people you haven’t interacted with in a while on Snapchat is to go to the Chat pane and scroll down. As you go, you’ll notice the receipt dates getting older and older. If there’s someone you haven’t exchanged text, pictures, or videos with in months, you might want to think about removing them. Tap on any avatar , then the three dots in the top right-hand corner, followed by Remove Friend to get rid of someone on Snapchat. The profile page you see after tapping on an avatar shows you any saved chats you’ve got with the person in question, which might give you an idea of how much you interact. Look under the Charms heading, too, which shows you in-app awards you’ve won with that person. Many of these, like the BFs (best friends) one, show how well-connected you are on Snapchat. It’s actually relatively easy to work out who your best Snapchat friends are from the chat list and user profiles. To see all the friends you’ve got on Snapchat, tap the avatar button (top left on the camera screen), then My Friends. Your friends will be listed alphabetically, but you can tap individual names to see each profile, and use the Snapchat emojis to see who you’re closest to on Snapchat—hearts and faces are good signs.
Let Men’s Health be Your Focus This Father’s Day

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Let Men’s Health be Your Focus This Father’s Day

by Eric Fuller on Jun 13, 2019
June is not only an amazing summer month; it is also the time we celebrate our fathers! Due to this honoring of dads everywhere, it is also the month that has been selected as the annual national Men’s Health Month with a focus on male health and wellness the week of June 10th through the 16th since 1994. This year is men’s health by numbers with some fascinating and somewhat unnerving statistics about the top risks and dangers to longevity and wellness. Men’s Health Month was created to bring male health education and prevention into public awareness and hopefully get men thinking about their diets, physical build, annual check-ups and personal habits to create a lifestyle around wellness. This may not seem as easy as it sounds when you are balancing career, home, spouse and for those dads out there, the little ones, but your health is the only guarantee you have in this game of life. Without it, you lose every time. So, let’s take a look at the ways you can squeeze in the workout, get quality nutrition on your plate, lower your stress and take preventative steps for your health. 1.      37, 150, 65 If your waist size is 37 inches or more, you are automatically at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.  To combat this number, it is recommended that men get a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise each week. That is only two and a half hours each week or five 30-minute sessions, meaning you get your weekends free! If you don’t squeeze in the workouts, you run the risk of being one in five men who die before the age of 65. Trust us when we say your wife and children do not want that to happen. So this year, in honor of men’s health and Father’s Day, let’s take a look at how to get the movement you need without sacrificing too much of your full schedule. Let’s face it, exercise takes time, but it gives back a lot more in return. That makes it a good investment. If you get your sweat on, you will sleep better, and as a new dad, every minute counts! Getting your endorphins up counteracts stress and irritation giving you more patience and reducing stress related illnesses like headaches, high blood pressure and dietary distress. If you feel you simply don’t have the time or energy, check out a few fitness life hacks that can get you burning calories in under 30 minutes. Less can be more when you take on P90X, HIIT, Tabata, or TRX! If you can’t make it to the gym, grab an online video and crank up the music while you challenge your kids to keep up with you. This tones your body and teaches them that taking care of their health can be fun. If your children are still infants, but over 8 months old, buy a running stroller with all-terrain wheels and get them outdoors with you. Taking them on a run, jog, hike or even a power walk will be quality time as a parent and as a steward of your body. For all the wives and kids reading this, buy you and your dad lessons at something you would both enjoy like martial arts, boxing, boot camp or train for a half-marathon together. Showing him you care about his health and want to spend time with him will help build your bodies and your relationship! 2.      5, 14, 10 What goes in the body is just as important as what the body does. Energy in, energy out is the true secret to weight management whether you need a caloric deficit or surplus to reach your goals. To get those calories with a wide variety of nutrients, we are supposed to eat a minimum of five fruits and vegetables each day, and that doesn’t mean servings. We need variety! A good rule of thumb is eating the rainbow each and every day, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red, and try to throw in a new fruit or vegetable each day to rotate your produce. You can find great local variety at farmer’s markets on the weekends or keep a large selection of frozen choices ready to eat. If shopping and cooking are not the priority for anyone’s schedule then be sure to keep quick punches of nutrition in your cabinets like plant-based protein supplements, superfood powders and bone broth proteins. There is no need for our health to suffer when our schedules don’t allow for marathon cooking. Once you have healthy foods and a regular exercise schedule, it’s time to take a look at vices and extra-curriculars. A cocktail or beer here and there is no problem, but don’t consume more than 14 units of alcohol each week. This will help your system manage its natural detox functions and protect your liver from cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis and liver cancer. If longevity is your goal, it’s time to cut the cigarettes as well, since smokers die an average of 10 years younger than non-smokers. A decade can feel like a lifetime! 3.      120, 80, 75 Our last set of numbers have a lot to do with stress and wellness practices. When you are stressed and not taking care of your nervous system, it is often your blood pressure that will warn you to take it easy. A healthy reading is 120/80. If you are 140/90 or higher you’ve entered into hypertension. It’s time to slow things down and focus on you. Schedule in some down time, proper sleep of 8 hours a night or more and treat yourself to some body work like acupuncture, massage or a steam and sauna. If you can’t squeeze it in, then begin basic deep breathing techniques while watching the news or sitting at your desk. Recognizing your stress levels and quality of life are vital in avoiding our final statistic. 75% of suicides and premature deaths from heart disease are men. Fathers, husbands, brothers and sons, we want you with us as long as possible. Please, schedule your annual check-up, squeeze in a run or trip to the gym a few times a week, try to eat one or two healthy meals a day and give your busy schedule a rest with some much deserved you time. Happy Father’s Day.
Summer is Here, Are You Ready?

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Summer is Here, Are You Ready?

by Eric Fuller on Jun 06, 2019
It’s that time of year again. The sun is shining, the snow has melted and the temperatures continue to rise. We have spent months hibernating with comfort foods and Netflix while blaming every snowflake for our lack of motivation. The dry air has played cracks and chips with our skin, the gloomy skies dropped our cheery dispositions and our typically vibrant fruits and veggies bin has been packed with potatoes and yellow squash. No matter, the long, cold months of dreary weather have finally ended, and we are ready to jump right back into our bikinis and backyard BBQs. Right? Well perhaps a few of the truly dedicated health enthusiasts, but if you are part of the 60% who gain around five extra pounds or more, you may need to kick your summer health into gear. Not to mention we need to repair that wind chapped skin and improve the sullen disposition. Take a look at why winter can get us down and ways we can make a strong comeback, fast! Winter is a powerful force combining weather changes and dietary availability along with a good dose of instinct and evolution. A little weight gain is natural due to the demands of your body to store nutrients during a time when historically food was scarce. The lack of nutrient diversity and fresh produce also leads us to indulge in more carbohydrates while the chill in the air leads us to comfort foods and at times overeating. Our primal understanding of food shortage during winter can cause us to eat more than we need as a way of storing energy for later. The addition of snow, sleet and bitter winds drives us indoors and can severely limit our range of motion and preferred forms of exercise. The cold causes muscles to tighten and blood pressure to fluctuate, so even if you brave the snow, your workout may still disappoint. Good to know the warm months ahead will encourage your summer health workout plan! With the additional calories and reduced energy expenditure of winter, we naturally put on a bit more weight, but luckily, we have plenty of time to drop it. It’s time to get outdoors once more. If vigorous exercise is not in your constitution, keep in mind that 150 minutes a week is the recommended amount to maintain your health. That’s only 25 minutes a day, six days a week, and it can be as simple as a walk or a bike ride. Along with getting your physical groove back, take a day to restock your kitchen and fill it with fresh produce and light, cool foods for green juices, smoothies and crisp salads. Stock up on your favorite nutritional supplements like Bone Broth Collagen + Protein in vanilla or chocolate and rev up before your next workout. Repair your gut after a winter of reduced nutrient variety by adding Healthy Gut powder in Mint or Peach Banana. With all the ripe fruits and vegetables flooding the markets, your shakes and smoothies are no longer restricted to water and non-dairy milks, even if they taste great! Try this morning blend to start your summer days off right. Peach Berry Bliss 1 scoop of Bone Broth Collagen + Protein Vanilla 1 scoop of Healthy Gut Peach Banana 1 fresh peach ½ cup of fresh squeezed orange juice ½ cup of Greek yogurt or ½ fresh avocado ½ cup of fresh blueberries 3-4 fresh mint leaves Place all the ingredients in your blender and mix until smooth and creamy. If you want to make it thicker, you can cut the orange juice and create more of a breakfast Buddha bowl, or you can add ice to make it slushier. Either way these flavors will keep you cool and have you excited to pack in your protein, collagen and digestive support. It’s now time to get back that rosy, nourished skin and recover from any cellular damage caused from the dehydrating effects of the cold. Hopefully, you added in extra moisturizer over the winter, but if not, the skin is incredibly resilient and with regular care from within and without, you will be glowing in no time. Opt for a daily full body lotion and a skin specific facial cream. For extra nourishment, directly apply a face oil and choose liquid body wash over soap bars. Finally, be sure to give your skin what it needs at a cellular level. Look for things like collagen peptides found in Skin Boost Acai Berry and Collagen + Probiotics Matcha Green Tea. If you don’t feel like adding another powder to your morning smoothie, you can find the same rejuvenating power in Beauty Biotin & Collagen capsules. As health and beauty are intrinsically entwined, what you do for one will often affect the other when operating from holistic principles. Getting these habits in place will help you rebalance your physical self, and now you must turn that same self-care inward. ‘Winter blues’ is more than a catchy phrase for a bad day. Seasonal depression has been well documented and researched and has a lot more to do with decreased daylight than the low temperatures. You may not be able to control the sunlight and the weather, but there are many ways to take care of your emotional health. You can use natural herbs and adaptogens like Ashwagandha, Rhodiola and Astragalus root in daily supplements like Healthy Inner Balance. Take up meditative practices even if it’s breathing techniques while stuck in morning traffic or walking barefoot in the park. However you choose to get summer ready, be mindful to always put your health first and take your time.
5 Morning Habits to Make Your Day

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

5 Morning Habits to Make Your Day

by Eric Fuller on May 09, 2019
How we start our day is paramount to how we live our lives. It was once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit,” and this habit is reinforced by our actions every single day, starting the moment we open our eyes. Each night we go to bed and send our bodies off into a deep state of rest where the conscious mind gets to shut down. Many cultures believe that our conscience actually leaves the physical world during this time, and while we are not confirming or denying this, we do know that coming back to the present when waking up can take some effort. We must bring movement to heavy limbs that have been inactive for many hours. Our bodies begin warming up muscles, releasing hormones, gearing up the digestive system and restoring thought to the mind once more. This enormous process happens whether we are aware of it or not, so when we bring awareness into our mornings, everything gets a bit clearer and a whole lot calmer. The cadence of your morning often sets the tone for the whole day. If you wake up and instantly check your phone, like so many of us do, you are throwing your fragile, half-dozing system into a state of high alert, attention to stress and reaffirming a dedication to technology that overrides your self-care. If you prefer to wake up to the morning news, this too can jar your system into a frenzied fight or flight state. Perhaps you don’t have time for either because you perpetually wake up late and bolt out of bed to manically throw yourself together. This instant sensation of being late and having too much to do without enough time to do it will surely stay with you for the rest of the day. When you bring order, balance, self-care and a little peace into your mornings, it will be these attributes that support you and restore balance to your daily life. So let’s take a look at five small ways you can guarantee big changes in your life. 1. Stretch This may seem very obvious and yet many of us wake up and rush to our feet to immediately get started with the new day. Tomorrow take the time to wake your muscles slowly and show your body some love before your feet hit the floor. You can simply stretch your full body while lying there by pointing your toes and raising your arms above your head. The amount of stretching you do is entirely up to you, but this is a great time to incorporate some light yoga. You don’t need to head to the gym. There are several wonderful, free video tutorials online that can get you familiar with the basics. Once you have mastered a few poses, you can choose the ones you like and do them in silence right at the foot of your bed! 2. Meditate Before you roll your eyes at yet another reference to deep breathing and moments of silence, a morning breath session doesn’t need to be long, detailed or guided. If you have the time and can go into a deep meditative state, that will surely bring balance and calm to your day, but a few minutes of intentional breathing and silence will do the job as well. Let your mind go blank and sit in a few moments of wordless being. As things come up throughout your day that stress or aggravate you, close your eyes and return to this state of calm. 3. Gratitude and Journaling When was the last time you put pen to paper to write about the beautiful things in your life? Once more this practice doesn’t need to be laborious. Leave a notebook by your bed and when you first wake, take a moment to write down a few things that you are grateful for. Then use this time to clear your mind for the day by putting it all down. If you can’t think of anything to write, try recording your dreams! You can also use the time to write down what you want to happen during the day, not a to-do list, more of a goal list. You can challenge yourself by writing out two or three things you want to add to the day ahead like finally taking that dance class or nailing your presentation. This act of visualization can guide your day into the success you desire. 4. Eat Breakfast We know this seems obvious and yet the on-the-go lifestyle still tends to skip this meal more than any other. Breakfast is the fuel for your day, it jumpstarts your metabolism and is a great way to bring a healthy habit into your mornings. You may not have the time to whip up a five-star plate, but you can nourish your body with a warm blend of your favorite non-dairy milk with a little Bone Broth Collagen Protein powder. According to Ayurveda and modern science, starting your day with something warm rather than cold increases blood flow, aids in digestion and soothes the system. Another way to warm your system and start your day is with a warm cup of lemon water. Though studies are a bit light on weight loss and skin improvements, we do know the lemon gets a little sugar and vitamin C running through your system and acts as a cleanser to the palate to stimulate morning appetite.  5. Support Your Health By choosing to incorporate a morning habit that brings attention to your overall health, you increase your chances of being aware of your health all day long. This may be getting up early for a morning workout or light jog. Perhaps you have videos you can follow along to at home or a 24-hour gym where you can go before work. It may be a morning routine of hygiene and supplements. Perhaps dry brushing, oil pulling or tongue scraping make your morning ritual. A well-rounded assortment of supplements for proper vitamin and mineral intake is a great idea as well. If you can’t seem to get to the gym, consider an all-natural metabolism boost like Healthy Fat Burner with bitter orange fruit extract. No matter what you choose to add to your mornings, let it be with mindfulness of your transition from unconsciousness to consciousness and provide a foundation to build the day you desire.
Understanding Keto

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Understanding Keto

by Eric Fuller on Mar 21, 2019
If you have any interest in fitness, weight loss and health, you have most likely heard of the ketogenic diet, or keto. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you, perhaps you’ve heard of Atkins, South Beach or Paleo. All of these weight management tools have a common theme of low-carb, high-fat with varied levels and food restrictions. The keto diet, as with any plan, can be done with health in mind as well as results or simply be result focused without considering long-term health. For this reason, it’s important to look at what this eating plan does to your body and how you can enjoy the weight loss and health benefits without sacrificing your overall longevity or vitality. What is the Keto Diet? Ketogenic eating plans focus on high-fat, high-fiber and moderate protein meals while drastically reducing carbohydrates and eliminating sugar, grains, legumes, most root vegetables, alcohol and processed foods. It requires a familiarity with macronutrients, fat, carbohydrates and protein, and how to count them and eat proper portions of each to fit within the system. A typical keto diet is based on 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs which in a standard 2,000 calorie diet, which is not for everyone, the macro breakdown would be something like 167 grams of fat, 25 grams of carbs, and 100 grams of protein. To figure out your own macro levels, start with how many calories you are eating each day. For fat, take .75 x daily calories for the total calories to come from fat, then divide that by 9 as there are nine calories in every gram of fat for the total grams of fat you can consume. Do the same for protein and carbohydrates but divide by four, as there are four calories in every gram of protein or carb. When you find the right balance, your body enters into a state called ketosis. Though this can get very specific and science heavy, the basic explanation is that your body begins to burn fat for fuel because it is starved of carbohydrates and needs an alternative energy source. Your liver begins to convert fatty acids into ketones as the body’s response to low calorie or carbohydrates.  Ketones are then used as fuel or energy by the body. By switching your body’s fuel source from sugar to fat, it naturally begins to drop weight as it goes to your fat stores for continued energy to survive. Though many other health benefits are being analyzed, there are insufficient long-term studies to confirm permanent weight loss, lowered glucose levels and decreased inflammation. What we do know is that this diet was not created initially for weight control. It is a medical diet for neurological problems and designed to moderate epileptic patients. It’s success in these treatments has a lot to do with the microbiome of the gut and the connection to the brain and nervous system. With that connection in mind, we can say that if you suffer from intestinal impermeability, excess weight, insulin resistance, systemic inflammation or enteric nervous system disorders, this eating plan may offer you relief in the short-term and hopefully permanently. As with any diet, it is important to check with your doctor before you begin.   Dirty vs. Clean Unfortunately, many people read the basic macro breakdown and turn to “dirty” sources of fat and protein to make up the bulk of their calories. When you set out on a keto diet and fill your plate with nitrate heavy meats, fried bacon, a lump of cheddar cheese and a side of oil, you are not doing your body any favors! You cannot eat trans fats all day expect your cholesterol levels and heart health to be in good condition. You cannot order a triple patty burger without the bun and extra sliced cheese at the drive-thru and maintain your longevity or vitality. You will get sick. When choosing your fats and proteins, you must make lean, organic, nutrient dense choices such as wild salmon, free-range chicken, grass-fed, pastured meats, extra-virgin coconut and olive oil, non-GMO, pesticide free avocados, raw butter, nuts and seeds. You will need to put time, effort and yes, some money into high quality foods that will feed your body what it needs to be strong and free of disease. Knowing You are in Ketosis The body gives several signs of entering ketosis including rapid weight loss. You may also get keto breath and a metallic taste in your mouth as excess ketones exit the body through your breath and through your urine. This is also why testing for ketosis can be done via blood, urine or breath analysis. Ketosis also creates an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes and minerals causing dehydration and increased thirst. Be aware of this symptom and be sure to increase your water consumption along with a basic mineral supplement for potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. The dehydration can also cause muscle cramps and spasms if left unchecked. As your gut microbiome changes, you may experience headaches, stomach irritation, fatigue, fuzzy thoughts and severe cravings for sugar and carbs. This is quite normal with any diet that restricts the food of “bad” gut bacteria. They want to survive and can throw your body and mind into turmoil in their attempts. It can also cause unwanted insomnia, but don’t get your body addicted to a heavy sedative during this time. Choose something gentle and plant-based like Terra Origin Healthy Sleep. This die-off phase will usually end within the first week, just stay strong. Support Your Body While choosing good foods and balancing your plate are critical to a successful keto diet, choosing the right supplements are crucial to continuing your eating plan and not giving up due to deprivation or changes in your system. MCT oil has been shown to have a great effect in helping to stick with ketogenesis. MCT, or medium-chain triglycerides, are readily broken down by the body into ketosis amping your usable fuel and helping to clear the brain fog, increase your energy and end cravings. Choose a high-quality source like Terra Origin Keto Collagen MCT powder to give you the benefits of both. It’s also important to give your gut additional love as it goes through a massive overhaul and recreates its bacterial environment and resets its own nervous system. Consider a powerful gut support with MSM, Methylsulfonylmethane, and Glutamine. Take a look at the Healthy Gut Mint, Fennel, Peach-Banana or Berry to smooth out your diet transition and protect your body from the inside out!
Life Lessons and Motivation from Karina Blackwood

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Life Lessons and Motivation from Karina Blackwood

by Eric Fuller on Mar 19, 2019
When we interviewed Karina Blackwood about her life, work and wellness practices, she had a lot to share about living life to the fullest and doing what makes you both happy and healthy. Take a look at her tips and tricks to heal your body, raise your energy and keep a smile on your face! Karina, could you share with us what it is you do during your week and a little about why you do it? “I do everything that I have time for. I wish there were 48 hours per day, not just 24! I wish we could sleep less and be more productive. I’m so in love with everything that I do: teaching yoga, practicing yoga, practicing astrology, reading people’s birth charts, teaching Pilates, taking Pilates classes, finding new, healthy products, and going to workout classes. I really love helping people. I also manage two more Instagram accounts for clients. All of these things take a lot of energy, but yoga helps, and I love it too.”  We know you have a popular Instagram feed, but you also run a very informative blog. Do you use these to help people? “I get a lot of DMs from my followers. I want to answer them all, but sometimes it gets challenging to keep track of all of them. It helps me to understand what people want to know, what they need my help with and what questions need to be answered. This is how I came up with the idea to start a blog. I feel like I can explain everything in one blog post with detail and give people what they need. I got a lot of questions about Terra Origin, and I feel like I need to write a blog post about you! I guess a lot of people have a leaky gut issue. Since I also had an issue with my gut, I know how irritating and uncomfortable it can get.” We would be honored for you to include us on your blog! Do you have a particular Terra Origin product that is your favorite? “Healthy Gut is amazing. No matter what I eat, if I add this powder to my food, I know it won’t upset my stomach. After three days of trying the powder, I felt my digestion improve, and I felt better overall, less bloated and more energetic. Your products are truly amazing, and I believe the products can help a lot of people.” Thank you so much! Can you tell people how the Healthy Gut supplement fits into your lifestyle and what it has done for your wellness goals? “I love eating sweets first thing in the morning. I think I developed this habit after I learned that if you eat sweets in the morning, it’s better for your body (than eating them later in the day). Sweets, even fruits, create fermentation in your gut which is not healthy. This is why dietitians recommend eating sweets on an empty stomach. Your stomach is the emptiest when you wake up. I find sweets (when eaten in the morning) give my body time to burn all the extra calories during the day. I think for me, I fell into an unhealthy behavior with this habit. Terra Origin products are helping me get better with my bad habit. Now I have a sweet, veggie smoothie with Healthy Gut powder, and I don’t crave sweets anymore because Healthy Gut powder is already sweetened with stevia.” We’re so happy to hear this is helping you start your days off right! Is this the type of advice you share with your many followers? “I share so much with them! I share my whole life with people who trust me and who follow me. I’m an open person, and if someone asks me something, I’ll give my honest opinion or advice about anything. The message that I try to give to people who follow my journey is to stay healthy whatever it takes. I feel like staying healthy and making better choices every day can be overwhelming, and the results are not always seen right away. I try to cheer people up and show them some fun ways to be healthy and happy. I really believe in astrology and the power of the Universe. I use this power to help my followers and teach them how to use it.” What are some of your own healthy and happy habits that keep you on your wellness journey? “Adding Terra Origin powder to my morning smoothie! Going to bed early, waking up earlier. I practice three rounds of Sun Salutations everyday, even when I don’t have time or feel tired. Meditation, I love guided meditation.” With so much fitness and lifestyle advice available today, is there anything in particular that you would change in how people approach personal wellness? “I would add some healthy humor to it. I would do something fun to motivate people to go to the gym or drink kombucha instead of beer. I would teach kids from an early age that strawberries are tastier than chocolate and that jumping jacks are the best thing they can do when they are stressed. I hate jumping jacks! Ha-ha-ha.” Sounds like solid advice! Along your own journey, have you had to overcome an major health, fitness or food challenges that altered your lifestyle? “I feel like I'm overcoming them every day. If you have a choice to go to the gym or to sit on a couch and watch your favorite show what would you choose? Would you rather eat healthy oatmeal or sugary, fat pancakes? I challenge myself every day, and every day if I make the right choice, I reward myself. I had a big digestion issue a while back, and I couldn’t eat anything without feeling nauseous. A traditional doctor said I had IBS, gave me a list of antibiotics and said I have to be on the FODMAP diet for the rest of my life. I refused to accept that verdict, and little by little with the help of holistic practitioners and changing my diet and lifestyle tremendously, I got better and better, but it was a long battle. It took me over a year to heal. And now I support myself by taking good and natural supplements, drinking water and watching what I eat.” Wow, that must have been a difficult journey. Is there a particular recipe you’ve used along the way that you would like to share with us? “According to Vedic astrology, you can balance the planets in your birth chart by adding certain foods into your diet. For the moon, these foods are coconut, almonds, honeydew, nutmeg and yogurt. This is why I like to make this balancing smoothie for your moon cycle.”                                 1 cup plain, unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk, or yogurt                               1 big handful spinach                               2/3 cup frozen blueberries (“I just love them.”)                               1/2 medium sized ripe avocado                               1 tablespoon chia seeds                               1-inch piece of fresh, peeled turmeric                               1 quarter lime, juiced                               Nutmeg to taste “I add Terra Origin Healthy Gut powder, but of course it is optional. Add all the main ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend on high until smooth.” That sounds delicious. We will definitely be giving that one a try! Before we go, is there any other advice you would like to share with our readers? “I want the readers to know that there are a lot of opportunities for you to stay healthy and well balanced. You have to find what makes you want to stay on the right path. For me it’s people who I look up to. Maybe it’s your gym buddy or a person who you follow on Instagram; maybe it’s your health adviser or an astrologist. Find a person who motivates you. There are a lot of ways to do what you love, be healthy and live your best life.” Thank you so much Karina. To get more of her great advice and life tips, follow her @blissedhappiness or jump over to her blog.
Valentine’s Treats That Say You Care

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Valentine’s Treats That Say You Care

by Eric Fuller on Feb 07, 2019
The season of love and romance is here, and we are all inundated with cliché heart shaped boxes filled with random assortments of chocolates that will sit on the counter for a week before finding their way to the bin. When you are with the one you love, the last thing you want to give is something trite that misses the mark in expressing how you feel. You want to tell your special someone that you truly care, and you want them to live a long and healthy life, filled with flavor, color and deliciousness. This isn’t done with generic gifts. It’s done with a heartfelt expression that shows you took the time to think of what they need and like, and then you put a little time and effort into getting it done right. Don’t let this idea intimidate you. That’s where we have you covered! Take a look at these genuine ways to show your partner how much you care. Breakfast in Bed This is a classic that we are taking up a notch! We don’t want you to feed your special someone boxed carbs, syrupy sugars or an abominable incarnation you’ve created in the kitchen. So we’re giving you some rosy recipes to please the eyes, wow the taste buds and surprise the system with balanced wellness. Once you add some flower petals, a love note and their favorite hot beverage, this breakfast will amp up the romance and set the mood all day long. Did we lose you at love note? Short and sweet is always a winner, so don’t worry if ‘Will you be my Valentine?’ is all it says. You’re sure to get a, ‘Yes!’  It’s truly the thought that counts, and with these recipes, you’ll have a tasty distraction. Tropic Winter Smoothie Bowl Ingredients: 1 scoop of Terra Origin Healthy Gut Peach Banana 1 frozen banana 1 frozen peach 1 cup fresh strawberries 1 cup coconut milk pomegranate for topping coconut flakes for topping ½ fresh banana for topping Directions: Add the Healthy Gut Peach Banana powder, frozen banana, frozen peach, strawberries, and coconut milk to your blender and blend on high until a creamy consistency is reached. Pour this into a bowl and top with pomegranates, coconut flakes and banana slices. You can place the banana slices into the shape of a heart to add to the moment! Make Her Glow Smoothie Bowl Ingredients: 1 scoop Terra Origin Acai Berry Skin Boost powder 1 frozen banana ½ frozen dragon fruit ½ cup of non-fat Greek yogurt 1 cup of coconut milk ½ fresh banana for topping raspberries for topping coconut flakes for topping Directions: Combine Acai Berry Skin Boost powder, frozen banana, frozen dragon fruit, non-fat Greek yogurt and coconut milk in a blender and mix until smooth and creamy. Top with raspberries, banana slices and coconut flakes. Berry Seduction Smoothie Bowl Ingredients: 1 scoop of Terra Origin Strawberry Banana Bone Broth Protein 1 cup fresh strawberries 1 frozen banana 1/2 cup almond milk 1 cup of non-fat Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon dark chocolate shavings 1 tablespoon coconut flakes for topping 2 strawberries sliced for topping Directions: Combine Strawberry Banana Bone Broth Protein, strawberries, banana, almond milk, and non-fat Greek yogurt in a blender and mix until smooth. Top with chocolate shavings, strawberries and coconut flakes. Now you know how to start the day, the rest is up to you, but we’ll try to provide some helpful hints. Consider what really makes your partner smile. Is it performing an act of service like washing the dishes or picking up the dry cleaning? Do they really love having your full attention during a shared activity or conversation? Perhaps, your special person could use a personalized massage or would enjoy finding secret notes all day telling them all the ways you love and appreciate them. Maybe they love gifts that express how you feel, like lunch delivered to the office, a little box left on the front seat of the car or a package tucked into a briefcase or coat pocket. Think about what makes them swoon. Personalized is always better. Yes, your assistant may pick out better gifts, but when you take the time to do it or make it yourself, that is what really says you love them. Start now, so the 14th doesn’t creep up before you realize. Consider how you can spoil the one you love with a little something you planned or created all on your own. A little cliché can be a good thing. Red paper hearts, horse-drawn carriage rides, walks through the park, drinks by the fire, music and candlelight are all tried and true mood setters. Be a little cheesy. It’s only one day a year to pluck Cupid’s bow!
Make New Year's Resolutions that Stick

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Make New Year's Resolutions that Stick

by Eric Fuller on Jan 03, 2019
It’s that time of year once more when we evaluate and take stock of where we are physically, professionally, financially, perhaps spiritually or ethically and see where or if there are changes we can make to better ourselves or our lives as a whole. This is often when we become very critical and unforgiving as we analyze our health, our bank accounts and our daily routines. We set goals for the year ahead to change our situations. Some of us overhaul our entire lives to start with a fresh slate and reinvent our stories to become the person we feel would make us happier, more successful or more desirable. We begin with a bang and as the days go by, our resolve tends to wane and by March or April, we’ve entered into the same habits we had the year before. Well that’s not going to happen this year because we’ve got some tips and resolutions that will keep you going till 2020! Success is in the Details We’ve all heard this before, but we still tend to make grand plans that are so far reaching we can hardly see the end. When planning the new you, focus on small changes that affect the whole. If you want to lose weight, consider one small detail at a time. Starting huge efforts that take more than hour each day or completely alter your eating habits are only adhered to as long as your willpower holds out, and then one day it doesn’t. By changing small details, one at a time, you start to form habits, change your taste buds, detox your system and reset the chemical processes in your body. Start with food as it is the largest component to overall health. Begin with something like no carbs after 2 pm or no more sugar in your coffee. When you’ve mastered that one tiny change, add another one. Don’t bring processed snacks or junk food into the house or only buy non-GMO. Each step is working to create a new story, a new way of being. If you’re dreading something, like no more fast food, then take that step even slower, no fast food on Wednesdays. Then build-up to the level you want. Everything in Moderation The other culprit to failed resolutions is the idea that your big plan is all or nothing. Even if you’ve decided to give up your chocolate addiction slowly, the idea of never having a bite of chocolate again is simply not realistic. For those things you truly love, work to bring awareness to them. If your favorite thing in life is ice cream, then eat it! But do so consciously, as a reward for something well done instead of a daily indulgence. By allowing yourself these treats you create a motivation for other behaviors and changes. The idea of moderation is for all resolutions. Saving money, working more hours, going to the gym, meditation, it doesn’t matter. Things done with balance and focus are much more likely to become a successful habit than things done out of force or demand. Moderation also keeps you healthy! Your body is not meant to burn out in the gym every single day. It needs rest too. You cannot function on heavily restricted diets. No fat is a myth. No carbohydrates will drain you of energy and needed fiber. Denying yourself an entire food group or macronutrient can be detrimental to your goals. If you want to cut back or give yourself measured portions, consider a supplement. Protein powders like Terra Origin Bone Broth Collagen Protein or Vanilla Chai Plant Protein are an excellent way to cut out the bagels and bacon in the morning. If you still want the power of fruits and veggies with fewer calories, add in one of Terra Origin’s Fruit Nutrient Powders or Green Superfoods. Tomorrow is Promised to No One This is a common phrase that holds true no matter who you are. Making your resolutions and changes permanent before they’ve even begun can turn your endeavors into mountains! Take it all one day at a time. Don’t think about yesterday or tomorrow. Today, say no to that department store sale and put your money in the piggy bank. If the day seems long and your craving too intense, then break your day into segments, morning, afternoon and evening. If it’s an addiction you are fighting, then take it hour by hour or minute by minute. Routine, willpower, making and breaking habits, this is hard work, and its success is only as good as the second you are in right now. Beware of How You Feel Resolutions are wonderful when positive, but when they add stress, worry or depression to your life, then something is wrong. The gut has a strong connection with the mind and emotions. An unhappy gut can make for an unhappy you. When coming off of three months of rich foods and decadent celebrations, you may throw your system in a lurch by jumping into a restrictive diet. Be sure to support your digestive system and ease into high-fiber, nutrient dense foods. A simple addition would be the Terra Origin Healthy Gut formula along with plenty of water. Be Kind to Yourself Eternal perfection is a lie. We’re happy to break the news that no one can be absolutely perfect every day of their life. Holding on so tightly all the time can take the joy out of life’s simplicity. This means we can all give ourselves a little slack and a big dose of forgiveness. It is not blasé to think what will be, will be. The ups are made better by the downs, the wins feel bigger if we experience losing.  The truth is we do our best and that is all that we can do, and sometimes our best is to break the rules, eat the chocolate and binge watch our favorite show all weekend. Enjoy it all and welcome to 2019!      
Meet Terra Origin's Brand Ambassador

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Meet Terra Origin's Brand Ambassador

by Eric Fuller on Dec 18, 2018
Melanie is a registered yoga teacher and full-time wellness entrepreneur in New York City, and she also runs a fun and healthy blog called Headstands and Heels. Her blog focuses on “healthy living made fun and fashionable” and is filled with positive vibes. When you visit her page, be prepared to see tons of workout classes, yummy and healthy recipes and an overall passion for fashionable wellness.  We chose Melanie to kick off our #WhatsYourOrigin campaign because she connects fitness, wellness and health in a way that makes it an achievable lifestyle which is what Terra Origin products are all about. As Melanie puts it, #WhatsYourOrigin is meant to show “a healthy lifestyle in action!” So feel free to follow this hashtag and use it on your own wellness journey with Terra Origin products! Some of Headstands and Heels favorite products are: 1. Terra Origin Healthy Plant Protein in chocolate Melanie strives to live a plant-based lifestyle, so our plant protein fits perfectly with her day to day protein needs! 2. Terra Origin Healthy Gut Mint Melanie just created an amazing recipe with Terra Origin Healthy Gut mint! She knows her followers experience a multitude of dietary issues and restrictions, so she tested out our product for those who experience stomach pains and sensitivities. We hope you’re as excited to get to know Melanie as we have been. Be sure to follow along her journey with the #WhatsYourOrigin hashtag. She has many exciting activities, events, and recipes to share with you along the way, so find us on Instagram: @terraorigin!        
Give the Gift of Health

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Give the Gift of Health

by Eric Fuller on Dec 13, 2018
 Post Fact Checked by Dr. Jason Cavolina, MS, PharmD   We have all experienced the pressure to find the perfect gifts for those you love. There may be many things on their wish lists, but for those of us who want to give more than the latest tech gadget or fad trinket, we need to look outside the proverbial box and find something that really shows how much we care. Homemade gifts always say you took the time and put in effort, but if you’re not a DIY queen, they may also look childish or worse, taste terrible. Getting people exactly what they want can also be a nightmare. Even if you know them extremely well, the art of picking out that perfect present can be a gamble, not to mention time consuming and expensive. This year get rid of the guessing game, the stress and the holiday hustle by getting everyone exactly what they need, good health! The value of life itself is held in our health and well-being. Our youth, vitality and passion for living is all regulated by our body’s fitness level. When you truly care for someone, you have no greater desire than their mental, physical and emotional state. So why would we think it odd to give someone a gift that helps them protect their immune system, ease their digestive tract and keep them looking young and radiant? You may not want to wrap up prune juice, laxatives or a gift certificate for a lipo, but there are some supplements that show your friends and family that you wish them the very best all year long. Take a look at our favorites! For Those Longing for Eternal Youth We all have that special someone who aches at the site of another wrinkle, bemoans their lackluster hair and feels the pressure of aging. This year, consider giving them renewed elasticity in their skin, a natural smoothing of lines and filling of wrinkles and a fighting chance against the early signs of aging. Choose Terra Origin Healthy Skin Boost in citrus or acai berry. Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptides will flood their system, starting collagen production once more and filling in the hollow spots in the dermis that have begun to sink into crow’s feet and laugh lines. Cellulite will smooth as the elasticity and plumpness of the surface evens out. This special formula shows you care about them inside and out as the collagen brings them relief from inflammation, aching joints and weak bones. Pair the Healthy Skin Boost with a bottle of Terra Origin Resveratrol Plus Antioxidant formula for the ultimate gift. This supplement is filled with key plant extracts and antioxidant properties to reverse UV damage, even skin tone and support healthy cellular growth. Wrapped in a bow, they make the perfect way to say you care about what matters most! For Those with Sensitive Stomachs The holidays can be particularly cruel for those who struggle with gut health, intestinal impermeability and weakened immune systems. Leaky gut is no longer a random affliction; it has become an epidemic. Along with it are symptoms such as digestive discomforts, nutrient insufficiency, poor immune health, autoimmune diseases and emotional imbalances. Sitting down to dinner and denying yourself the majority of the delicious foods can feel alienating, but eating them and being ill afterwards is much worse. Even if the restricted diet is manageable, avoiding the bitter cold can be impossible. A strong immune system is most important during the long winter months. For those in your life who struggle with digestive health and gut microbiomes, giving them relief over the holidays may be the greatest gift of all. Take a look at Terra Origin Healthy Gut. Through a combination of gut healing amino acids and natural herbal extracts, this combination can provide relief and recovery from damaged intestinal linings, stomach inflammation, weakened small junctions and gastric distress. Wrap this up with the Organic Turmeric Chai Blend for an immune support powerhouse! Utilizing a centuries old Ayurveda chai spice blend, this special mix was designed to protect against oxidative damage, rid the body of free radicals, increase bioavailability in the gastric process, speed up healthy cell growth and significantly boost the overall immune system.  For Those Who Deserve It All When we truly care for someone, we want the very best for them in every way. We want them to look and feel young and vital. We want their systems to function at peak performance. We want them to feel whole, balanced and at ease. One box with three supplements will give them all of this and more. Show how much you love someone with the optimal gift of health and personal self-care. First choose from Terra Origin Bone Broth Collagen Protein powders. Bone broth needs little introduction as it has now been confirmed as a super healing food for the entire gastric system. This particular blend contains both Types I and III collagens for healing digestive issues, supporting pain-free joints, restoring strength and shine to hair and nails and reducing the signs of aging in the skin. Next, give them the Inner Beauty Detox Cleanse. These capsules pack a punch with the Terra Origin probiotic blend along with essential digestive enzymes and powerful herbs. Though it supports healthy skin, hair and nails, it really shines in its ability to combat daily stressors and environmental attacks. It works to reinforce the system, improve nutrient absorption and restore balance in the gut and hormone levels. Lastly, bring some peace and quiet into their lives with Terra Origin Healthy Sleep supplement. All the nutrition and herbal support in the world can’t match a good night’s sleep. Our bodies heal while we rest and restore our energy, internal levels and mental capacity. Without adequate sleep, things begin to break down, and we feel the wear and tear. This all-natural sleep aid has been rigorously tested to be effective and non-habit forming. It only uses plant based sedatives such as hops, chamomile, valerian and passion flower. These are expertly combined with tryptophan, GABA and melatonin to give even the most dedicated insomniac a gentle ride to dream land. Are You Ready to Give Health to Those You Love? With ease and physical well-being only a click away, the decision to wrap up health should be an easy one. Healthy Gut & DigestionHealthy Living & MindfulnessSkin Hair & Nails
Protein Packed Breakfasts by Fitstagram.Michelle

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Protein Packed Breakfasts by Fitstagram.Michelle

by Eric Fuller on Nov 20, 2018
Michelle Schwartz is a blogger and health enthusiast who has dedicated her life to being in her best shape and encouraging women to do the same. She is focused on balanced wellness through fitness, food and faith, offering people solid advice, encouragement and delicious kitchen goodness. Upon discovery of Terra Origin products, she quickly recognized the health and quality and has created some spectacular recipes to incorporate Terra Origin Bone Broth Protein into a variety of tasty meals. Take a look at how you can change your morning shake into a mouthwatering breakfast!  Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes by Fitstagram Michelle
Declutter Your Christmas To-Do List

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Declutter Your Christmas To-Do List

by Eric Fuller on Nov 15, 2018
Christmas is a beautiful time of year with twinkling lights, swirling tinsel, glistening snowflakes, carolers and warm baked goodies. Well this is what we want it to be, but far too often we find ourselves frantically digging through attic boxes for décor, stuck in traffic and shopping lines grabbing those coveted gifts, staying up till wee hours wrapping and signing cards and too tired to enjoy the magic all around. How can we take back this beloved celebration and still get everything done? By making a list and checking it twice! The time is now! If you haven’t started yet, don’t worry; there will always be the truly prepared who begin shopping and wrapping in July. You still have time to get the essentials complete and care for your emotional and mental well-being during the busy season. Take that tip from Santa and make your list, perhaps not with naughty and nice, but essential and preferred. Then break that list into subjects and timing. Don’t worry, we’ll give you some pointers. One: Weather The cold has begun and the snow may not be far behind. It’s time to weatherproof and give yourself a few conveniences so Old Man Winter doesn’t boggle your Christmas agenda. Be sure to winterize your car by tossing in a duffle bag with a flashlight, fresh batteries, gloves, a blanket, a hat, dry-packed snacks, a solid ice scraper and brush, a small shovel, extra coolant and a bag of large-grit kitty litter to give tires traction if you get stuck in the snow. You may update your roadside service and check that your spare tire kit is fully equipped as well. Schedule in your mechanic to snow proof your tires and give you new window wipers as well as a check-up on fluids and belts. Nothing ruins a holiday like a bad roadside experience! Your vehicle is useless if you can’t get to it! Treat yourself this season to a snow removal service. Check in your area for a company or independent handyman looking for some extra Christmas cash. If you have a reliable teenage neighbor, he may enjoy a bonus as well. Ask them to salt or sand your walkways and see if they will use a blower to unbury your car. Now you are ready to get going! Stock up on extra wood or burning bricks for your fireplace, or if it runs on gas, be sure to fill up now before the demands have you waiting an entire day for service. Have the chimneys cleaned and place fresh weather stripping around leaky windows or doors. Pull out your extra blankets, wraps and throws and give them a good wash before placing them around the house and on the beds. Once your life is prepared, you can relax and get into the spirit! Two: Gifts The biggest time saver here is remembering that Christmas is not about you giving a present to everyone you know. Make a list of those you love, only those who you want to give to. Now you can spend the majority of your time choosing gifts for people that you care about. For everyone else, choose one to three generic gifts such as gift baskets, cards or certificates to spas, restaurants or large stores and buy several to pass out when needed. If you end up with an extra, give it to colleague or neighbor. For those meaningful presents, think about the person for 3 – 5 minutes and write down in single words things that make you think of them like, chocolate, blue, singing, sweaters and dog. To really speed up the Christmas process, get online and find them a blue sweater, box of chocolates and a card with a singing dog. You get the idea! Buy your gifts online!  You can save yourself countless hours and store fatigue by sitting at your computer with a cup of hot chocolate and soothing music. If you love the idea of shopping, great! Just do not shop without a clear list of what you are buying, or you may wander for days without actually accomplishing anything. Stage two is wrapping. For the price of the paper, tape, ribbons and bows, you can use wrapping services often provided by both online and in-store suppliers. You’ll save a ton of time by choosing to sign the card and leave the rest to professionals. If wrapping isn’t available, offer a meticulous teenager some holiday cash and Christmas cookies to get the job done! Three: Decorations Depending on your style this can be a one day to one week affair. Either way, it’s good to get ahead of the game now. This weekend take a day to pull out your boxes and sort through the decorations you want to use. Untangle your lights and check to see which ones still work. Have a pen and paper handy to write down anything you still need to find or replace to complete your holiday motif. Put away all you don’t plan on using and leave the rest sorted and out of the way for quick set-up later. Head out and find what is missing and ask if you can sign up for your tree in advance. They may even offer delivery. If you’re using an artificial tree, be sure to buy it or unpack it now, so it has time to settle and fill out to its full form. Four: Food Time for pen and paper again. Write out your full feast for both Thanksgiving and Christmas in parallel lines to find the commonalities. As you look at the dishes you want on your holiday table, consider delegation. Even if you love to cook, a meal of that size is incredibly time consuming and can detract from your enjoyment on the big day. Enlist family and friends to come and cook with you or to bring a dish of their own. If you’re hosting, send out an e-vite with a list of needed foods and let people volunteer for what they prepare best. Those turkeys goes fast! If you like having the golden bird at each holiday dinner, and have adequate freezer space, buy both of them now. As the two meals are quite similar, you can avoid the December rush and double up on frozen, dried and canned goods as well as spices. Make desserts and cold salads a day or two in advance as they will still be tasty and focus on time sensitive foods the day of. Five: You You may have seen a theme through the four key Christmas preparation tips, delegation. The holidays are about friends and family, not a one person show. Asking for help and hiring professionals is a wonderful way to bring some ease into the season. By freeing up some time, you can remember to take care of yourself. Sneak away for your yoga class or sit and meditate in front of a crackling fire. Use the extra time to give yourself needed winter nutrition, hydrate and stay calm during the holidays. Even the big man had his little helpers!
What's the Deal with Sugar

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

What's the Deal with Sugar

by Eric Fuller on Oct 11, 2018
 Post Fact Checked by Dr. Jason Cavolina, MS, PharmD   Don’t eat carbohydrates. Wait, that’s wrong. Don’t eat fat. That one was wrong again. Don’t eat sugar. This time we may have found the real culprit to weight gain and possibly many diseases. When studying the body, certain macronutrients were found to be essential for biological processes and survival. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Sugar did not make that list because it is not a macro, meaning in large doses. It’s not even a micronutrient. Yet, we tend to have it in every drink, meal, condiment and snack. It’s time to take a serious look at sugar in our daily diets and how it impacts the functioning of our body. We must admit we’re not doctors or rocket scientists, but there is enough proven research available to give us a good idea of what sugar does and why we should be cutting it out as much as we can. The evidence is in. There are many studies that link sugar intake to high levels of triglycerides, the bad cholesterol, which increases fatty deposits in your arteries. Sugar also causes irregular blood sugar levels, problematic blood pressure and increased inflammation. These all significantly increase the risk of heart disease. Most of us are already aware that too much sugar over many years is inextricably connected to diabetes which has now reached epidemic levels in the United States. Constant consumption of sugar creates insulin resistance in the body which hinders its function and creates a sharp rise in blood sugar. If you feel certain you are not at risk for heart disease or diabetes, it is worth taking a look at how sugar impacts our looks. Sugar is directly related to weight gain and obesity. The main source of sweetener in most packaged foods and beverages is fructose, also found in fresh fruits. Not only does this sugar get processed and stored as fat if not used, it also triggers a reaction in the brain which activates hunger hormones and makes us crave more high calorie foods. The study was done with fructose and glucose, which is the sugar found in complex carbs and vegetables, and the glucose foods actually suppressed hunger while having a higher blood sugar and insulin response. If you must get a sugar fix, opt for carrots instead of the fruit juice. Look for ways to get your smoothies and fruit nutrients with less sugar like Terra Origin’s Healthy Tropical SuperFoods with only 3 grams per serving or the Citrus Healthy Skin Boost which uses stevia to naturally sweeten without added sugar. Many of you workout regularly, so gaining weight is not on your radar, but do you enjoy your skin? Studies have linked a diet in high glycemic index foods to increased oil production, androgen secretion and inflammation which all can bring us back to those teenage years of acne! Only this time, it can break-out anywhere on your body. They’ve also shown that sugar is detrimental to our skin cells and can speed up cellular aging and accelerate the aging process of our skin. This means fighting more lines, wrinkles and a loss in collagen and elastin. Thin and saggy faces at 50, no thank you! Though there are many more risks that have been tied to a high sugar intake, we only want to mention two more that can affect our mental health. A trial following men and women who consumed processed, high sugar foods for 22 years showed a sharp increase in the risk of chronic depression. When your blood sugar is all over the map it causes neurotransmitter dysregulation and inflammation which upset the balance of your happy hormones sending you into a slump. You may have temporarily felt this in the crash after a sugary splurge. Lastly, we wanted to point out the heavy drain sugar has on your overall energy levels. When sugar is consumed with fats or proteins, it is slowly and steadily metabolized, but when we have a sweet snack, even a natural one like organic juice or a banana, our blood sugar levels spike. Then they crash. This repeated up and down causes future problems with sustainable energy levels. Your daily fatigue may be your diet. Now you have a small idea of the impact of high fructose, sweet processed foods on your body, so just how much sugar can you safely have? The American Heart Association tells women to consume no more than 20 grams or 100 calories of sugar a day. That equates to about 6 teaspoons. Men are to have no more than 36 grams or 150 calories a day, about nine teaspoons. What does this look like in your daily diet? Well the next time you order your favorite medium caramel macchiato with nonfat milk you’re looking at around 30 grams of sugar. One cup of unsweetened apple juice has 24 grams. One medium banana has 14 grams. Getting the idea? We have a lot of sugar in our daily diets, and getting down to the recommended allowance can be a trick. When starting out, try to limit your sugars to low glycemic index foods, all-natural sources in their original forms, as in the entire fruit, not just the juice and pair your sugars with proteins and fats to slow the absorption. The options are endless once you start looking. Have fun with your meals and be creative in selecting nutritious choices that protect your body inside and out!
The Values and Benefits of Holistic Living

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

The Values and Benefits of Holistic Living

by Eric Fuller on Sep 27, 2018
We may each be as unique as our fingerprints, but over thousands of years, mankind has discovered numerous, wonderful things that benefit us all. Some work towards our physical health, others focus on our mental well-being. While certain actions play a role in developing strong emotional foundations. When these actions and practices share their positive impact with those around us and work to heal and protect the planet, they earn the definition of a ‘holistic lifestyle’.   This often means living as natural and chemical free as possible, choosing organic, fair trade products and implementing daily habits that center the body and mind. A famous practice that incorporates many of these principles is Ayurveda, Ayur = life, Veda = science, an ancient Indian system based on the science of life, designed to bring healing and balance through the connection of the mind and body. This may sound odd at first, but the basic principle is that the mind and body are two distinct units inextricably entwined so as each one affects the other. This idea created an entire system of living and health in an effort to heal the body through the mind and protect the mind through the body. Indian culture puts great emphasis on meditation as the art of awareness and mindfulness. By utilizing this tool it directly impacts the well-being of the body. Science has confirmed what ancestors already knew, the act of balancing the mind brought balance to cortisol, adrenaline, oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, other assorted endorphins and our bodies’ neurotransmitters. If you want to know more about the impact of meditation, head over to our deeper look at this ancient practice.  When our hormones are in check, our stress levels go down and our emotions are more neutral. We can think clearly and make better decisions. If clearing your mind is difficult, take a look at Terra Origin's Healthy Inner Balance or Healthy Brain supplements. Meditation is a wonderful holistic practice that helps us to react more positively to others around us and to the planet as a whole. Along with the art of breathing to quiet our thoughts, the impact of food on the health of both the body and the mind is essential. They believe that the relationship of each person with themselves can best be labeled by a Dosha, or elemental connection. This can help you bring attention to how food effects the balance in your mind and body. Ayurveda places good digestion as a key to overall health as this is how we absorb all the energy we ingest, both through diet and our senses. Ayurveda works off of several principles like the six primary tastes: sweet, salty and sour or pungent, bitter and astringent, food selections based on colors, density and moisture and choosing meals with regards to their elemental qualities, such as earthy for heavy and creamy, watery for moist and cool, airy for light and dry and fiery for hot, spicy and warm foods. Science has confirmed that bringing awareness to our eating habits can show imbalances in our moods, energy levels, triggers in health conditions or chronic diseases, sleep patterns and general well-being. They have also shown that mindful eating can help us regulate hunger, cravings and inflammation. But sometimes our systems need a little support to bring about that awareness. If your gut health is weak, take a look at our Healthy Gut or Bone Broth Proteins to get you back on track. By incorporating more colors, textures, flavors and characteristics in our diet we broaden our nutritional choices and can avoid eating predominantly animal products or the same foods. With more variety on our plates, we help the planet to conserve resources, rotate crops to avoid soil depletion and level out supply and demand. This would qualify Ayurvedic food principles as part of a holistic life choice, but we don’t always have the time or energy to be creative in the kitchen. If you want to eat from the rainbow, take a look at Terra Origin's Fruit Nutrient Powders and Greens Superfoods Powders. Getting what you need doesn’t have to be difficult! Another prime element to holistic living is quality sleep. Many of us simply do not sleep enough as deadlines and to-do lists take over our nightly shut-eye. The body heals itself during sleep and gives the mind a much needed break. When we do not sleep enough, it can impact our choices, moods and how we interact with society and the planet. Securing your 6 to 8 hours is a simple and vital part of living life to the fullest. Knowing this and doing it are two different things altogether. If you have trouble turning off at night, consider Terra Origin's Healthy Sleep supplement to help regulate your sleep-wake cycle. One of our favorite holistic lifestyle practices has been taking over the world of science, our connection with nature. Simply walking through a green park or shady forest can lower your stress, sooth your mind, ease negative emotions and modern science is now showing forest therapy can be useful in preventing heart disease, high blood pressure and depression. The Japanese call it Shinrin-Yoku, or “forest bathing.” Yet again an example of ancestors knowing how to heal the body through mindfulness in nature. We don’t need to bottle that! Head outside and find the nearest trail that takes you away from the buzz! Ayurveda was one form of thought which influenced our principles and product design, but we focused on a fully holistic approach in choosing to develop only things which help bring our bodies and our minds into unison for a healthier planet, stronger community and better self. Following these simple guidelines can be all you need to turn things around and start living the life you’ve imagined.
Check Out Our Summer Delights with Lucky Vitamin

Healthy Living & Mindfulness

Check Out Our Summer Delights with Lucky Vitamin

by Eric Fuller on Aug 16, 2018
We are so happy to find others who share our passion and vision for supporting each of you on your journey of health, wellness and living life to the fullest. Lucky Vitamin is one such companion who also believes that what we put in our bodies is one of the most important decisions we make every day. This is why we have collaborated to bring all that we have learned to as many people as possible. Lucky Vitamin is a family run business that has been focused on health and well-being for three generations. They source out the best products available to give you the most holistic options to care for yourself and your family. They invited us to share Terra Origin, and we thought the best way to introduce delicious things for your health is with delicious things for your mouth! Head over and check out our summer recipes to help you beat the heat and treat your body right.